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“Week of Donorship” in ONMedU On September 25-29, more than 150 students of ONMedU took part in a large-scale "Week of Donorship" campaign, which is annually held by the Student Self-Government of our University. "I am a Donor of ONMedU" is a community of students
The first meeting of the Student Scientific Society in 2017-2018 The door to the world of science of the new academic year of ONMedU has opened! On Wednesday, September 27th, the meeting of the Council of the Student Scientific Society(SSS) took place. The welcoming remarks were made by the immediate
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Ulyana Suprun has listed a list of international internships for senior medical students  In her opinion, it would be great if the doctors were trained abroad, and then returned with new knowledge and treated the Ukrainians professionally. Work the World… Work the world is an expert in healthcare abroad. Specializing in individual
Fulbright Scholar Program for conducting research in the USA Institute for Educational Content Modernization informs about the annual Fulbright Fellowship Contest for conducting research in the U.S. - Fulbright Scholar Program. Letter of IECM (Institute for Educational Content Modernization) dated 09.22.2017 № 21.1 / 10-2028 "Concerning the Fulbright Fellowship