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ONMedU Has Been Put into Regular Operation Mode! Odessa National Medical University has been put into regular operation mode, the work of the Rector’s |Office as well as of all other services has been unblocked. It was announced by the a.i. Rector Yurii Sukhin on the air of
Open House Day at ONMedU Open House Day took place at ONMedU on December 22. Future students were able to see ONMedU inside and meet the university administration. The meeting was attended by deans of the medical, pharmaceutical and dental faculties as well as vice
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Dean of the International Faculty visited ONMedU dormitories together with student assets! December 23, 2018, according to University Order No. 156 of December 20, 2018, Dean of the International Faculty Assoc. Buryachkovsky E.S. visited ONMedU dormitories together with student assets: Ali Saeb Selan Abdurrahman, chairman of the Council of Student Self-Government, Imran
Music for your holiday mood! The New Year's Eve is soon ! This is why The Student's self-government creates holiday mood for you during the academic days Do you remember how did the new year music play at studybreak's time the last year? Probably you
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MUSIKHIN VALENTYN Has Become the Head of the Student Council of the Faculty of Dentistry On December 21, 2018, a Reporting and Election Conference of students of the Faculty of Dentistry was held! According to the results of the direct secret ballot, MUSIKHIN VALENTYN -  a 2nd year student of group 1 was elected the
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