Collective Appeal to the State Bureau of Investigation

Employees of  Odessa National Medical University sent a collective appeal to the State Bureau of Investigation with the request to prosecute the prosecutor of  Odessa local prosecutor’s office # 3 Oksana Ostryk – for exceeding her official powers.
According to the appeal, prosecutors are now investigating two criminal proceedings. However, instead of investigative actions prescribed by law, the prosecutor unreasonably summons the university staff for interrogation and requests documents that do not relate to any of the investigations: staffing, decree appointing employees to positions, financial plans and reports, estimates, etc.
According to the authors of the letter, Ostric  “illegally interferes with the work and business activities of ONMEDU.” “We believe that Ostric imposes undue pressure on the staff of the Odessa National Medical University … », – the document reads.
According to the authors of the appeal, the prosecutor is acting in the interests of Vladlena Dubinina and Konstiantyn Aimedov, who are trying to capture the university by raiding: “Oksana Ostryk was subjected to unlawful influence, which led to the prosecutor exceeding his powers, unlawful influence and violation of employees’ rights, . The authors saw in the actions of the prosecutor the signs of the crime under Part 1 of Art. 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of power or authority by a law enforcement officer) and ask the State Bureau of Investigation to initiate a pre-trial investigation into these facts. The application was signed by 11 employees of the University.