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For information of the employees and students! Another provocation against Odessa National Medical University! Opponents of Odessa National Medical University arranged another provocation to deceive the thousands of teaching and student bodies of our university. The Facebook social network is spreading information as if ONMedU is paying multi-million dollar tenders at a time when
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For information of the students who have expressed their desire to attend the IFOM BSE International Fundamental Medicine Exam on March 15, 2019, the scheduled exam will NOT be held! The lack of funding for ONMedU in connection with the non-approval of the budget by the Ministry of Health for 2019 has deprived the university of the proper ability to meet the requirements required for this exam.
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Virtual Exhibition of Publications in Foreign Languages ENTER: Віртуальна виставка видань іноземними мовами  
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We Invite All Fans of the Strong Immortal Kobzar Word On March 13, 2019 at 10.30 to the reading room of the student library (2 Mechnikov Street) to the literary and musical party "Shevchenko's Readings" dedicated to the 205th anniversary of T. Shevchenko's birth. The musical accompaniment of the party
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The Court Banned the Cabinet to Unite Odessa and Crimean Medical Universities for the Second Time By decision of March 7, Kyiv Regional Administrative Court canceled the second attempt of the Cabinet of Ministers to unite Odessa and Crimean Medical Universities into a new higher education institution. Thus, the court suspended the decision of the Cabinet
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