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Regular Meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU For already two months, ONMedU has been in an economic blockade because of the Ministry of Health, however, both the employees and students are fulfilling their duties in full. On February 28 a regular meeting of the Academic Council took
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Research and Practice Forum in Obstetric Anesthesiology Another, already the 302rd meeting of the Association of Anesthesiologists of the Odessa region and the 28th meeting of the Odessa Scientific and Practical Society of hemostasiologists, anesthesiologists and resuscitationists were held together in the conference hall of the University
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Students’ Self-Government and the Center for Students’ Creativity continues selection for performance at the First International Creative Festival among students of ONMedU “Art of Peoples of the World”! The festival can be attended by students of 1st -6th years, who will represent the following genres: - choreography; - traditional art of their country (samples of clothing, kitchen, decorations, etc.); - instrumental genre. Duration of 1 act must not
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Mosiychuk: Suprun blocks the budget of ONMedU on principle. The staff is ready to block the route Kiev-Odessa Hundreds of employees of Odessa National Medical University, who do not receive their salary for the second month, are picketing the building of the Odessa Regional State Administration. The protesters require the head of the OSA to convey to the
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Welcome Day at ONMedU Despite the constant efforts of the MOH supporters to disrupt the work of Odessa National Medical University, the university works in regular mode. Today has been a traditional day of our university - Welcome Day. Every year we invite applicants
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