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Ukraine remembers! The world recognizes! Every year on the fourth Saturday in November, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the 1932-1933 famine in Ukraine. This year the day of rememberance is on 23 November. Memorial events were held in different parts of Ukraine. ONMedU Scientific Library
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She Will Stay in Our Memories Forever Dear students and employees! Today we have learnt that Nina Vasylivna Obschina has died. Nina Vasylivna was a wonderful Professor and Teacher. She lived the life of an honest, decent and responsible employee, scientist and citizen. She will remain in
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Freshmen’s Autumn – 2019 On November 20, 2019, "Freshmen's Autumn - 2019" was held in the Jewish Cultural Center Beit-Grand. Teams from different faculties showed their vision of "Mom, I'm a student!" in acts such as CFI (Club of the Funny and Inventive), dance, song
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XXIX Reporting and Election Conference of ONMedU Primary Trade Union Organization On November 19, the XXIX Reporting and Election Conference of the Primary Trade Union Organization (PTUO) of ONMedU students took place. More than 80 delegates from different groups and faculties, representatives of the university administration, student council, student creativity center
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 Science for Dummies On November 19, the Student Science Society and the Young Scientists Society held the first event of the cycle "Young Scientist's School (Science for Dummies"), attended not only by domestic students but also by students of the international faculty. A
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