A new textbook on the discipline “Homeopathic Remedies” has been developed

At the Department of Drug Technology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of ONMedU a new textbook on the subject “Homeopathic Remedies” has been developed. The textbook summarizes and presents the material on the theory of homeopathic treatment, its development and spread in many countries, existing views of domestic and foreign scientists on the mechanisms of action of homeopathic medicines, theoretical foundations and practical recommendations for the preparation of various drugs and their classification in a comprehensible form.

This textbook is compiled for students of higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation in the specialty “Pharmacy. Industrial Pharmacy “, in accordance with the curriculum and aims to facilitate students’ mastery of the material in terms of distance learning, as well as the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of practical skills in solving professional problems.

The manual is placed in the electronic library of our university, which will contribute to the formation of students’ basic knowledge of homeopathic pharmacy.

According to the authors, this manual can also be recommended to interns, graduate students, general practitioners – family medicine doctors, representatives of other medical specialties, as it introduces alternative ways of healing.