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The MOH reports. The latest update of 10.11.2020: In Ukraine, 10 179 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease were recorded over the last 24 hours (410 children,  445 – medical workers out of them). Also, over the last 24 hours 1 252 persons were hospitalized 191 persons died 5 514
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The MOH reports. The latest update of 9.11.2020: In Ukraine, 8 687 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease were recorded over the last 24 hours (350 children, 321 – medical workers out of them). Also, over the last 24 hours 1 100 persons were hospitalized 115 persons died 2
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The MOH reports. The latest update of 6.11.2020: In Ukraine, 9 721 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease were recorded over the last 24 hours (304 children, 468 – medical workers out of them). Also, over the last 24 hours 1517 persons were hospitalized 201 persons died 10
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Scientific achievements of ONMedU in the world digital space Dear colleagues! We remind you that the Institutional Repository of ONMedU (IRONMedU) continues its work. Today, the IRONMedU array consists of 7,000 full-text materials in PDF format. We thank the staff of our university for active publishing. To promote the
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Questionnaire for the students of ONMedU Dear students! We ask you to take an anonymous survey on the quality of education at our university following the link: Questionnaire for the students of ONMedU of the quality of education, and the prospects of medical education and employment→
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