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Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet held a meeting with rectors of higher education institutions of Odessa region On July 8, 2021, within the framework of a working visit to Odesa Region, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet held a meeting with the rectors of higher education institutions of Odesa region. The meeting was
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Happy Constitution Day of Ukraine! Dear colleagues, students, fellow citizens! I sincerely congratulate you on the Constitution Day of Ukraine. This year is special for the Ukrainian state: today we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Basic Law, and in August we will celebrate the
A teaching conference of the staff of the Department of Social Sciences on “The Constitution of Ukraine: history from ancient times to the present” On June 28, Ukraine celebrates the Constitution Day. Our country has a centuries-old history of the constitutional process. The famous Constitution of the Ukrainian Hetman Pylyp Orlyk, which became one of the first European constitutions of the New Age, was
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“Do not try to be good doctors, strive to be the best”, – Valerii Zaporozhan congratulated 1084 ONMedU graduates At a meeting of the Academic Council of Odessa National Medical University chaired by Rector Valerii Zaporozhan the academic year was summed up and 1084 graduates were awarded the qualification of specialists and masters. "We can congratulate our graduates on
Farewell speech of the rector of ONMedU Valerii Zaporozhan to the graduates of 2021 Dear colleagues, today we are holding the final meeting of the Academic Council this academic year. This year has been fruitful and successful for our university. We adapted the training and treatment processes to quarantine restrictions, held the examination session