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An audit of the electrical fittings of ONMedU dormitories has been carried out Representatives of the student trade union committee of ONMedU and the chief engineer of the institution carried out another inspection to eliminate the shortcomings of living conditions in university dormitories. This time they visited the dormitories 1/1 and 1/2 on
ONMedU students visited the operating theatre of Odessa Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital This time, active students of Odessa National Medical University went on a trip not to the district hospitals, but to the operating theatre of Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital with the director of the Department of Health of the OOD.
Celebration of the Day of Unity by the Department of Social Sciences On February 16, the Decree of the President of Ukraine (No. 53 of February 14, 2022) declared the Day of Unity to strengthen the consolidation of Ukrainians, strengthen their resilience against the background of growing hybrid threats, propaganda and moral
Flashmob for the Unity Day On the eve of the Day of Unity, the trade union of students of Odessa National Medical University launched an online flashmob on the Instagram platform, where everyone could share their photos and add the hashtag # unite_Ukraine. The Student
All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in different fields of knowledge and specialties We remind you that every year the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers (Competition) is held among students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 167 branches of knowledge and specialties on which students can submit for consideration exclusively research