Access to WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS and other databases has been continued!


Access to WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS and other databases has been extended! «Web of Science» database until the end of 2022..

In addition, Ukrainian institutions will have access to the Scopus database owned by the «Elsevier» company.

In addition to the «Scopus» database,  «Elsevier» company within the «Research4Life» project opened access to the full-text resources of the “ScienceDirect” database to the scientists of ONMedU, a number of medical resources, such as: «ClinicalKey», «Complete Anatomy», «Embase», «Osmosis».

It is important that on the “Research4Life” platform, publishers of scientific literature opened a free opportunity for Ukrainian institutions to use their electronic resources until the end of 2022. Ukrainian scientists have already received free and convenient access through “Research4Life” to over 114,000 books, about 40,000 journals, dozens of databases, including available full-text resources of leading publishers of scientific literature.

Publishers-partners of “Research4Life” plan to extend access to resources for researchers from Ukraine at least until the end of 2024 – to transfer Ukraine within the framework of the “Research4Life” project from group B to group A (as you know, institutions from countries of group A do not need to pay for the use of literature ).

If you have any questions regarding the use of the provided databases, please contact [email protected] or viber 067 278 31 69