October 10 is the World Mental Health Day

According to the WHO, every person on the planet at least once in his life felt the need to consult a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist.

Even before the full-scale invasion, the Concept of Mental Health Development of the Nation by 2030 was implemented in Ukraine, the goal of which is to provide high-quality and affordable help to every Ukrainian who is faced with problems in the field of mental health.

The department of psychiatry, narcology, medical psychology and psychotherapy of ONMedU has taken many steps to implement the Concept. Since the beginning of the war, the Center for Helping Survivors has been opened at the clinical base. Teachers and students are participants of the All-Ukrainian program “HOW ARE YOU?” on the initiative of the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska. The volunteer movement of ONMedU doctors is working and gaining momentum.

Programs under the auspices of WHO – mhGAP (Common management of mental disorders at the primary level) and GBV (Gender-based violence) have been introduced into the educational process of ONMedU. The teachers of the department of psychiatry, narcology, medical psychology and psychotherapy have undergone training and received certificates. In this academic year, the first admission of masters in specialty 053 “Practical Psychology” has taken place. The concept of the Center for Mental Health on the basis of ONMedU was developed.

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, a joint meeting of student scientific circles of the departments of psychiatry, narcology, medical psychology and psychotherapy, and internal medicine No. 2 was held, where aspects of a doctor’s work with mental and mental health of a person were considered.