The country is at war, but no one has canceled studying

This was the leitmotif of the speech of the Vice-Rector for Education Quality Assurance Valentina Protsenko at the meeting of the Academic Council, which took place on March 31 under the chairmanship of the Rector, Academician Valery Zaporozhan.

“The country is going through very difficult times, the lives and plans of our compatriots have been changed dramatically, but this does not mean that we need to stop studying that our country will need in the future. The most important issue now is to ensure the quality of distance education. And from the first day of the war, the educational process has not stopped, the turnout is over 85% daily, “said the vice-rector for education quality.

The educational process is being carried out at Odessa National Medical University in a distance form on the Microsoft Teams platform. Classes are monitored daily by the administration and deans, so each class should be recorded by teachers and stored, and reports should be sent to the e-mail address of the information and technical department.

There is also a daily monitoring of students’ whereabouts and communication. Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work K.O. Talalayev controls the number of students living in dormitories.

The state of affairs on these issues is reviewed and analyzed weekly at the University’s offices. Decisions of the administrations are made out by the corresponding normative-administrative documents and are brought to the notice of the employees of the University responsible for execution.

One of the important problems in the current conditions is the provision of the Internet for both teachers and students, as some of them have left Ukraine, and some are in the temporarily occupied territories. Teachers pay attention to each case, to each student individually and find the opportunity to assess their knowledge objectively. Given the different situations that arise for objective reasons, and if necessary, certain groups of higher education seekers are provided with additional consultations and classes.

Ensuring the quality of education at ONMedU involves internal and external evaluation of learning outcomes, control at the level of deans, heads of departments, teachers, final (semester) control, certification.

“The teaching staff of our famous university must do everything possible not to lower the bar of quality of education in these extraordinary conditions. This is our contribution to the Victory, this is our contribution to the future of Ukraine!” Valentyna Protsenko emphasized.