Valerii Zaporozhan has become a co-chair of the European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Athens

Rector of Odessa National Medical University, Chairman of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine Valerii Zaporozhan has become co-chair of the 27th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which took place in Athens on September 2-4. This is one of the most prestigious events for professionals in this field.

Valerii Zaporozhan headed the Ukrainian section, and a meeting was held under his chairmanship. In general, the Ukrainian section of the EBCOG was held for the first time, and our delegation was one of the largest and most anticipated in the event. It included leading specialists in obstetrics and gynecology, representatives of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine. They regularly hold training events that are attended by European colleagues as well.

The Rector of ONMedU thanked the participants of the section for their active work. “I am very grateful to you for your activity. This is the key to successful joint work. Obstetrics and gynecology, as well as medicine in general, do not stand still. The industry is developing rapidly, strengthening both intellectually and technologically. The implementation of changes at the national and European levels depends on how regular and high-quality the exchange of experience will be, ”Valerii Zaporozhan emphasized.

The scientific program of the Congress included numerous high-level meetings, interactive classes and workshops. Gynecologists and obstetricians from all over the world took part in the Congress.