With concern for the mental health of the nation: a holiday for Children’s Day

On June 1, the community of large families “Dream for Life” rallied 18 families with 47 children from among internally displaced persons whose parents gave their lives in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the independence of Ukraine.
Families survived the loss, children learned to rejoice, so the higher education students of Odesa National Medical University had a difficult mission. The coordinator of the volunteer movement of the department of psychiatry, narcology, medical psychology and psychotherapy of ONMedU, Vira Domuschi, together with members of SSS (Students Scientific Society) (Krystyna Pelivan, Oleg Myakishev, Mitridat Zakharov and Victoria Polishchuk) joined the charity event. They came with toys, sweets, gifts. Animators, contests, dances, self-made cotton candies, goodies! A real celebration took place!
The students promised that they will visit the families of the “Dream for Life” community again, because they really care about the mental health of the Ukrainian nation.