We remember and we are grateful!

The Department of Social Sciences (head of the department – associate professor O.O. Sikorskaia) organized a visit to  Odessa Museum of Regional History  on October 30, 2019, and the exhibition “Odessa-medics in the battles for Ukraine. 1941-1944 ». During the excursion to the exposition dedicated to the Second World War, students of the 2nd year of the 10th group of the medical faculty № 2 (teacher – associate professor O.O. Uvarova), learned about the heroic defense of Odessa, got acquainted with the materials of the exhibition – photographs, certificates, memoirs, medical instruments of those years.

Physicians from Odeschyna fought on all fronts in battles for Ukraine. The ranks of army doctors were replenished by many prominent Odessa doctors, especially surgeons. The names of professors V.Kofman, N.Kozdoby, doctors S.Levichev, K.Khrulenko and many other medical professionals were known throughout the Maritime Army. The contribution of Army medical personnel to the liberation of Ukraine is enormous.

It is our human duty to always remember their dedication to their profession, to be grateful for the self-sacrifice of these people.