Vice-rectors of ONMedU at the Academic Council meeting: Keep calm, do not believe in manipulations and prepare for the holidays

Thanks to their courage, endurance and loyalty, professors, doctors and students of Odessa Medical University stood in the most cynical war against scientific schools and education. The victory was congratulated on by the pro-rectors of ONMedU during the meeting of the Academic Council.
In particular, Anatolii Son emphasized that many thousands of the staff not only protected their university from destruction, but also their legal right to choose the rector independently, which every employee realizes on election day. “The point in this fight will be fair elections, after which we will all return to  peaceful work. You will choose the most worthy leader who will lead our university forward,”Anatolii Son said. He expressed his gratitude to all the staff of the university clinics who had the most difficult times during the confrontation.
For his part, Konstiantyn Talalaiev urged the team not to be provocative, to remain calm and to be sure that the most difficult tests are behind: “The situation is under control, do not give in to other people’s emotions. We are constantly conducting monitoring, there is  police force that is always ready to prevent and stop illegal activities. Keep calm and get ready for the holidays. ”
Oleh Tarabrin expressed confidence that the raiders would not be able to implement their cynical plan and re-lock the ONMedU budget: “They continue to run all over the ministry trying to do everything they can to ensure that we do not receive fair salaries. How cynical do they have to be to try to destroy everything that we have achieved in such a hard way. ”
At the same time, the Vice-Rector emphasized the high results of the university, which were achieved even in difficult conditions of confrontation. “The meeting of the Committee of European Education, held in Milan under the guidance of two of our honorary professors, confirmed the very high level and warm atmosphere of the congresses and conferences held in Odessa. Next year will be even more active, more foreign partners will visit us,”Oleh Tarabrin added.