The treasury destroyed the myths of manipulators: Dubinina does not have the right to sign

The students and staff of Odessa National Medical University hasn’t received scholarships and salaries for five months. There are thousands of doctors, teachers, scientists, nurses and their families. Due to debts, educational buildings and three university clinics can be cut off electricity supply at any moment. Dozens of courts, rallies, negotiations – the university administration is looking for all conceivable and unthinkable ways to unlock the budget.
At the same time, a.i. Minister of Health Ulyana Suprun promises a quick solution – to resume funding within a few hours, if the document is signed by raider Vladlena Dubinina. It is a lie and manipulation that pursues the sole purpose of “legitimizing” the powers of its protagonist. After the meeting of the ONMedU team with the leadership of the regional treasury, there was no doubt about this.
The head of the Human Anatomy Department, Professor Olena Leonidivna Appelhans, asked if Dubinina’s signature could actually unblock the budget? The head of the Main Department of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in the Odessa region, Vira Slauta, gave a clear answer: the Treasury will not accept the budget with her signature. “No, because today I do not have a signature card. I have a budget code, which I have to adhere to, “said Vera Slauta.
The card she referred to is the signature of a person authorized to sign this or that document, certified by a notary public. The treasury explained to all manipulators: there is no Dubinina’s signature among among those on the card, whereas the a.i. rector Yuri Sukhin has the legal authority to sign the budget.
Lawyers of ONMedU and the regional department of the Treasury will hold consultations and appeal to the court to clarify the decree according to which the funding of the university should be unblocked. It will take a few days do do it. After that, the Treasury promises, they will run payroll calculations.