Dear students and university staff!

The MOH is preparing provocations: on the day of STEP 2 state licensed exam they want to disconnect the university from the power supply.
Tomorrow, Odessa Medical University can be turned off the power supply, which will stop the three university clinics and will cause failure to carry out the state licensed exam STEP 2. This was announced by the a.i. rector Yurii Sukhin.
The District Administrative Court of Kyiv by a resolution dated May 17, 2019, ordered the State Treasury of Ukraine in Odesa Oblast to provide full payment to ONMED. However, despite this, payments are still locked. “The decisions of the courts have to be fulfilled in our country. The Treasury had bailiffs but refused to comply with the court’s decision. Tomorrow we are going to be turned off the electricity, this is a catastrophe for us, because we have patients, operations, resuscitation procedures. This is a question of people’s lives, “said Yurii Sukhin, clarifying that 590 people are currently being treated at university clinics.
In addition, tomorrow the whole country will be carrying out the state licensed exam STEP 2. The exam is done using computers, it is impossible to take it verbally. “Tomorrow there is STEP-2 for the sixth year students. If they do not pass this exam, then they will not receive diplomas. Because it is a state licensed exam, carried uot not by the university staff. There are representstives from the testing center, 19 people having come from Kiev to carry out the exam “, – commented the a.i. vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work Anatolii Son.
At the same time, he said that the amount of debt to provider if electricity has reached 4 million hryvnias. Despite this, until recently, the parties managed to find a compromise solution. On the eve of the start of the examination “conversations have ceased to operate.” “I believe that the Ministry of Health is specially doing everything to ensure that the exam does not take place. They put a bunch of unclear requirements so we could not secure them, but all the requirements were met, and all of a sudden there occurs a threat of the disconnection, “added Anatolii Son. – This is another situation when Mrs. Suprun’s maniacal desire to bring the accounts with our university leads to the suffering of ordinary patients, students, and teachers. The previous president was not able to put an end to this, and citizens gave this assessment in the elections. We sincerely hope that the new leadership of the country will take into account the mistakes of their predecessors and will stop this arbitrariness as soon as possible.”
We will remind you that the conflict between the Ministry of Health and ONMedU has been continuing since July 2018. Contrary to the legislation and court decisions, the ministry tried several times to appoint its rector to university. Personnel rearrangements were accompanied by raider hijackings of buildings. Since January 2019, the MOH hasn’t approved the University’s annual budget. For already 5 months, thousands of employees and students haven’t received their salaries and scholarships, although there are more than enough funds on the University’s accounts.