ONMedU: meeting of the Academic Council on October 3, 2024.

On October 3, another meeting of the Academic Council of Odesa National Medical University took place in lecture hall No. 1 of the main building of ONMedU and on the Microsoft Teams platform. The meeting began with congratulating Professor Ruslan Vastyanov on his election as the President of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Pathophysiologists and awarding him with a commemorative medal.

Rector, Academician Valerii Zaporozhan gave a thorough report on the work of the university’s teaching staff. He emphasized that the analysis of work efficiency was carried out in accordance with the Concept of strategic development of the university and the Concept of educational activity, which were formed until 2025 according to three criteria: compliance with the licensing requirements for educational activity; evaluation of the activity of scientific and pedagogical workers and departments by means of rating; results of external attestation — a unified state qualification exam.

As it turned out, there are departments where all employees meet the licensing requirements, for example, Internal Medicine No. 2; histology, cytology, embryology and pathological morphology with a course in forensic medicine; organization and economics of pharmacy; orthodontics; disaster medicine; healthcare management; general and clinical epidemiology and biosafety with a course in microbiology and virology; social sciences. And there are departments where the state of compliance of teachers needs improvement, in particular, this applies to departments of general dentistry; general and clinical pathophysiology; medical chemistry and biology; neurology and neurosurgery; therapeutic dentistry; surgical dentistry

Most often, non-compliance with license conditions is observed in the publication inactivity of employees in scientific publications included in the professional publications of Ukraine and scientometric databases (Scopus, Web of Science), in the publication of textbooks, study guides, monographs, teaching and methodical guides, lecture notes and other educational materials. – methodological works.

The work to increase the number of employees with a scientific degree and academic knowledge requires special attention and immediate changes, especially this applies to departments of the pharmaceutical profile.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, every year the university conducts a ranking of teachers.

According to the results of the rating evaluation in the previous academic year, the departments of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and internal medicine No. 1 took the highest positions. The highest positions in the rating are due to the high activity in the publication of educational and methodological materials and the number of publications in the index – cited and specialized publications.

The analysis of the success of those who took the “KROK-1” and “KROK-2” exams in the specialties “Medicine”, “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy” this year showed that there are positive points, such as the fact that the results of the “KROK-1” in the specialty “Dentistry” exceed national indicators, the average score in the “KROK-2” exam in the specialties “Medicine” and “Pharmacy” increased compared to last year. There are also negative indicators – the average score of “KROK-1” and “KROK-2” exams in the “Medicine” specialty is still below the national average.

The key indicators of the scientific work of the university are publication activity, the effectiveness of which is reflected in patent-inventive work, participation in scientific project competitions and the training of scientific personnel.

At the beginning of this year, more than 1,000 publications were indexed. Today, 78 documents have been published in Scopus for this year. The university’s Hirsch index increased by one unit this year to 26.

During the last academic year, the university conducted patent and invention work. Nine patents and seventeen copyright certificates were obtained. All these intellectual property products were obtained by employees of fourteen departments.

In his report, Valerii Zaporozhan also outlined the university’s tasks and prospects for educational, scientific, medical and international activities in the 2024/2025 academic year. “The analysis of the work of the teaching staff showed that there are many shortcomings in each department, some less, some more. And we must meet the licensing requirements for conducting educational activities! Therefore, I have a proposal to all heads of departments to analyze the activity of the department according to the above-mentioned criteria and to develop a plan of measures for further development with a deadline of the next meeting of the Academic Council of the university.

Your feedback will serve as the basis for the formation of priority tasks of the university in educational, scientific, medical and international activities for the next period.

Please send all your suggestions and comments, as key stakeholders of our educational ecosystem, to the e-mail address of the Academic Secretary,” the rector emphasized.

In accordance with the agenda, the Academic Council supported the candidacies of 14 employees of various departments of the institution for the award of the academic title of professor and associate professor. The decision of the one-time specialized council and the awarding of a doctor of philosophy diploma to Oleksiy Sukhin, a graduate student of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics was approved.

The responsible secretary of the Admissions Committee, Hennadii Stepanov, reported on the results of admission of students of the second (master’s) level of higher education to study at ONMedU in 2024. “604 people were enrolled this year, which is higher than last year. I would like to thank the administration of the university, thanks to which all career guidance events were held at a modern level and in safe conditions, all deans and student self-government for their active participation in career guidance work, and everyone who took part in the work of the admissions committee,” said Hennadiy Stepanov.

The academic council approved a number of important provisions regulating the educational and scientific process, the medical activities of the institution’s units, and the training plans “Emergency pre-medical assistance to the injured” and “Basic emergency assistance for nurses”. In particular, the reorganization of the University Clinics of ONMedU was supported, which is an important condition for signing agreements with the National Health Service for medical care of the population under the medical guarantee program.

A recommendation was made for the publication of methodological recommendations for preparation for practical classes for applicants of the second (master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 222 “Medicine” “Modern methods of hearing research and hearing prosthetics”, developed by employees of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology. Therefore, despite the difficult conditions of today, scientific, pedagogical and administrative employees of ONMedU perform their professional duties with dignity, which ensures the dynamic development of the institution.