Happy Constitution Day of Ukraine!

Dear colleagues, employees of all departments of Odesa National Medical University, students!

Today, on June 28, 2024, we celebrate the Constitution Day of Ukraine. Our Basic Law is 28 years old.

The Day of the Constitution of Ukraine symbolizes our national freedom and sovereignty, reminds us of the importance of the legal principles on which our state is based. The articles of the Law define the order and principles of functioning of all authorities, the state system, the rights and obligations of the state, society and citizens, and the electoral system. Since this document is fundamental, all other laws and, in general, all activities of the state should be oriented to it. The Constitution of Ukraine is the guarantor of our freedom, independence and dignity. It ensures the development of democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine. This document unites all Ukrainians around common values ​​and ideals. It is the basis for building a fair and prosperous society.

For the third year in a row, we celebrate one of the main public holidays in the conditions of war with the Russian Federation. A seemingly impossible war in the civilized XXI century! Today, Ukraine defends its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, enshrined in the articles of the Constitution, so this day is especially important for us.

We think about peace and hope for it with all our hearts. A world in which all roads and horizons will be open for everyone, so that every person can realize his dreams regarding education, career growth, scientific or teaching work, business, entrepreneurship, interesting recreation. After all, there is still so much unknown in the world in all fields of science, technology, art…

I congratulate you on this great holiday and wish that the ideals set forth in the Constitution of Ukraine will always be our guide in life, that we will always be proud of our state and strive for its further development and prosperity. Let every citizen feel protected and respected in our Ukrainian family. I wish everyone a peaceful sky, harmony and happiness! Bright ideas to you, successful implementation of the best ideas and plans, faith and hope!

Best regards,
rector of ONMedU Valerii ZAPOROZHAN