
Meeting of the Academic Council On March 28, under the chairmanship of the rector, Academician Valerii Zaporozha, another meeting of the Academic Council of Odesa National Medical University was held in a mixed format. At the beginning of the meeting, Valerii Zaporozhan congratulated Mircheva Veronika,
School of tutors at ONMedU The Department of Simulation Medical Technologies of Odesa National Medical University has a school of tutors-assistant teachers. The department adopts the experience of the best foreign medical institutions and implements it in its own educational process. The indisputable advantage of
Twinning – the partnership of ONMedU & QMUL Within the "Twinning-partnerships" program, Odesa National Medical University continues its cooperation with Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). This partnership was established directly in response to the military events in Ukraine and aims to help Odesa medical students gain clinical
Step by step The second round of the "Zavtra.UA" scholarship program 2023/24 competition has already passed, in which our university is represented by the student of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Medicine No. 1 Vitalii Nigretskul. The high grade in the
Tuberculosis and its consequences. Prospects of overcoming On the eve of the World Tuberculosis Day, which takes place annually on March 24, a scientific and practical conference with international participation "Tuberculosis and its consequences. Prospects of overcoming" was held at the University Clinic on Tinista Street. The