
Congratulations on the World Science Day! Today, the world celebrates the World Science Day for peace and development. I sincerely congratulate colleagues and all fellow citizens! In 2001, UNESCO established this bright and important holiday to unite people around a common goal - peaceful and happy
The Student Scientific Society and the Society of Young Scientists of Odessa National Medical University are actively implementing scientific activities among students The Student Scientific Society (SSS) and the Society of Young Scientists (SYoS) are active in Odessa National Medical University. SSS consists of 744 1-6 year students engaged in scientific activities. The most active members of the Student Scientific Society form
At the Academic Council it was reported on the preparations for the heating season Odessa National Medical University is preparing to work during the heating season of 2021/2022. This was announced at the meeting of the Academic Council, which was chaired by the Rector of ONMedU, Chairman of the Academic Council, Academician Valerii Zaporozhan.
A scientific-practical conference of pediatricians and neonatologists took place On October 28-29, 2021, a scientific-practical conference with international participation "LATEST TECHNOLOGIES IN PEDIATRIC SCIENCE, PRACTICE AND EDUCATION" was held remotely, dedicated to the memory of Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine B. Ya. Reznik. The
Valerii Zaporozhan: “For me, a very important value – the reputation and heritage that I will leave behind” The rector of ONMedU, academician Valerii Zaporozhan, honorary doctor of the world's leading universities, winner of prestigious international and state awards, honorary citizen of Odessa, who could make a career in the US or Europe, but instead devoted his life
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