
There is no excuse for violence The campaign "16 days against violence" started on November 25 and will last until December 10. But this topic remains relevant and acute all year round. The campaign "16 days against violence" talks about simple and effective actions that can
Donor Day at ONMedU Blood transfusion saves millions of lives every year. According to statistics, by donating blood once, you can save not even one - three lives. Usually, all kinds of promotions and blood collection events take place on World Donor Day. But
December 1 – AIDS Day. HIV infection, relevance in Ukraine and the world. HIV infection is a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which attacks and suppresses the human immune system. HIV is transmitted through contact with the blood, secretions and mucous membranes of patients. Also, one of the leading ways
ONMedU: to the Memorial Day of Holodomor victims On November 25, Ukraine and the whole world commemorate the victims of the Holodomor. Various events are traditionally held on this day. Similar ones are also organized at Odesa National Medical University. In particular,  ONMedU library organized a specialized book
We remember! Let’s unite! We will win! Every year on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the Holodomor (famine-genocide) of 1932–1933 and the mass artificial famines of 1921–1923 and 1946–1947. In 2023, the Day of Remembrance of the Holodomor Victims falls on November