International Cooperation

Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation “Organization and Realization of Complex Measures in Case of Mass Traumatism for the Purpose of Identification of a Person” On May 10-12, 2018, a scientific-practical conference with international participation "Organization and Realization of Complex Measures in Case of Mass Traumatism for the Purpose of Identification of a Person " was held in Odesa. It was organized by the Department
Solemn Ceremony of Awarding Philippe Scherpereel the Title of an Honorary Professor of ONMedU At the meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU on May 24, 2018, a distinguished professor-anesthesiologist, known not only in Europe, but also in the World Scientific Community, Philippe Scherpereel (Philippe Scherpereel (Lille, France)) was honored with the title of
The European Commission Recommendations on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Employment for Researchers Yesterday, on May 24, 2018, the head of the department of human anatomy, professor O.L. Kholodkova acquainted the members of the Academic Council and the university staff with a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated
Scientific-Practical Conference “Urgent Issues of Dermatology” Despite significant progress in oncology, melanoma of the skin remains one of the unsolved problems of modern medicine. On May 18-19, the scientific and practical conference “Urgent Issues of Dermatology” with international participation, in particular specialists from Germany, Italy, was
Master Class “Modern Simulation Technologies as a Key to Safety in Emergency Medicine” The Department of Simulation Medicine and the Innovation Teaching Center for Doctor’s Practical Training continues to conduct master classes. Thus, on 24.05.2018 within the framework of the V International Congress on Homeostasiology, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care "Black Sea Pearl" there