International Cooperation
Internship in Slovakia in the 2021-2022 academic year
Dear students, graduate students, teachers and scientists! We would like to inform you about the possibility of training, research and lecture internships in Slovakia in the 2021-2022 academic year. Within the framework of the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak
Discussion club 07.04.21
Dear students and teachers of our University! On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, on the basis of the university platform Microsoft Teams, another Discussion club event took place on the topic: "V – FOR VIOLENCE: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, CHILD ABUSE, GENDER DISCRIMINATION-IDENTIFICATION
Sports achievements of the international faculty students
The national team of Odessa National Medical University, which includes students of the international faculty: Saadawi Mohammed (2nd year, 4th group, specialty "Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy") El Hashimi Yahya (1st year, 4th group, specialty "Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy") Shemkhi Adem (4th year,