
Specialists of the department of propaedeutics of pediatrics of ONMedU have developed a special course on providing emergency medical care to children According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, from February 2022, that is, from the beginning of the war, to December 2023, 512 children died in Ukraine, and 1,152 received various injuries. Quite often, children die or become disabled because
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Defense of scientific research and development projects at the Ministry of Health On December 14-15, 2023, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine held a defense of scientific research and development projects submitted for competitive selection for 2024. According to the results of the assessment by the experts of the Ministry of Health
Getting to know Odesa National Medical University On December 12, on the initiative of Daniil Borodin, a 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Medicine No. 2 with the support of the faculty's dean's office, students of the "Alterra School"  got acquainted with Odesa National Medical University. Alterra
International multilateral partnership for a sustainable system of education and science in Ukraine (IMPRESS-U) Dear colleagues, The US National Science Foundation (NSF) announces the International Multilateral Partnership for a Sustainable System of Education and Science in Ukraine (IMPRESS-U). Cooperation partners are the Estonian Research Council (ETAG), the Latvian Science Council (LCS), the Research Council
ONMedU Surgical School: Professor Volodymyr Hrubnik Odesa National Medical University has become famous far beyond the borders of the country for its surgical school. Over the years of its existence, the university has educated a constellation of scientists, practicing surgeons, whose research and discoveries gave a