
Regular meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU will be held on August 31, 2021 Dear colleagues! On August 31, 2021 at 10.00 a meeting of the Academic Council of Odessa National Medical University will take place in Lecture Hall № 1 (Olhiivska Street, 4). Agenda: Analysis of the effectiveness of work of the teaching
Congratulations to Tokarev Vladislav on the award! Students of Odessa National Medical University took part in the International Tournament "XVI International Kendo Cup", which took place on August 6-8, 2021 in Kharkiv. Vladislav Tokarev, a second-year student of the Medical Faculty, became a bronze medalist in the
Congratulations of the rector of ONMedU Valerii Zaporozhan on the Independence Day of Ukraine Dear colleagues, students, compatriots! I sincerely congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence! The famous French philosopher-educator Voltaire once wrote: "Ukraine has always sought freedom." And on August 24, 1991, we got it. This day opened a new
Questionnaire on vaccination against COVID-19 Odessa National Medical University takes care of the safety of the students and staff throughout the quarantine period, so the administrative department of the university takes an active part in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis programs. Medical experts are expecting the
Under the leadership of Valerii Zaporozhan ONMedU became the second in the ranking of the best universities in Odesa Under the leadership of Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, Odessa National Medical University entered the ranking of the best institutions of higher education in Ukraine. The consolidated rating was published by the information resource "Osvita.ua". In particular, ONMedU took the second place