Another meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU has been held

On February 26, 2020, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of  Odessa National Medical University was held. It started with pleasant news: Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor V.M. Zaporozhan congratulated Professors S.A. Schneider and O.V. Denga on receiving the State Award for a cycle of works in Dentistry, Professor V.V. Babienko – for receiving the Order of Christ Savior from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for services to the revival of spirituality in Ukraine, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences L.M. Ungurian on the anniversary, as well as some employees of the University on obtaining patents of Ukraine.
Many issues were discussed at the meeting.
Thus, the results of the certification of graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy specialty 7.12020101 “Pharmacy” of the correspondence form of study and the department of psychiatry, narcology and psychology were heard. According to the results of the examination commissions, the graduates showed a deep level of theoretical and practical knowledge. Compared to the previous year, the average score and qualitative achievement have increased.
As noted in his report on the results and prospects of international work of the University and its structural units a.i. vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical (international) work, professor O.O. Tarabrin said that much has been done in this direction: participation in international symposia, webinars, trainings, competitions, obtaining international grants, internships in European countries, publication in foreign publications, but more is needed to be done more actively at the international level, to establish contacts and to conclude contracts, to participate in as many international events and programs as possible, for each scientist to increase the level of the Hirsch index.
Professor O.G. Yushkivska, the scientific advisor of the SSS and YSC, reported on the work of student scientific circles of the departments and young scientists of the University. On the whole, the work of SSS and YSC is quite active: a school of young scientists has been created,  the university has been participating in Victor Pinchuk’s scholarship program “Tomorrow UA”  for the 11th year in a row, every year the university participates in the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works for the award of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, in scientific conferences, seminars and other activities. At the same time, the scientific advisor of SSS and YSC believes that in some departments it is necessary to intensify the activity of encouraging students and young scientists to scientific work and publication of scientific works.
Today the SSS and YSC are organizing the next scientific and practical conference with the international participation “Modern theoretical and practical aspects of clinical medicine (for students and young scientists)”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of V.V. Voronin, which will be held on April 9-10 2020.
The Scientific Council also heard and discussed the reports of the Head of the Planning and Economic Department, N.Z. Kadebskaya and a.i. vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work professor R.S. Vastianov on preparation for the 120th anniversary of the foundation of  Odessa National Medical University.
At the end of the meeting, Dmitry Oliynyk, associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics of Internal Medicine, presented the participants with the dynamics of transmission, symptoms, laboratory signs and results of the coronavirus study. The results of the report are based on data from Italian colleagues. The forecasts are complex, it is impossible to predict the directions and ways of distribution, and we have no diagnosis. However, it is hoped that by April the disease will decline, because the virus is susceptible to light and heat. And prevention is usually simple – restricting communication and boosting immunity, keeping simple personal care (washing hands after public transport, for patients not going outside, etc.).