All-Ukrainian Round Table on Medical Practice, Education and Science: Legal Issues of Interaction in Healthcare Transformation

On January 31, 2020, at the initiative of the Rector of Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, Professor Yuriy Kolesnyk, the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Round Table “Medical Practice, Education and Science: Legal Problems of Interaction in the Conditions of Health Care Transformation” was held at an online conference with the participation of all the heads of medical educational institutions of Ukraine. The event was also attended by representatives of the Odessa National Medical University – a.i. vice-rectors for scientific-pedagogical work professors Ruslan Vastyanov and Anatoliy Son, vice-rector for scientific-pedagogical work (on international relations), professor Valeriy Marichereda, head of the teaching and methodical department Anna Chernyavska and deans of faculties.

In the framework of the Round Table on the transformation of the healthcare sector, the heads of medical institutions of the country discussed a package of draft regulatory acts aimed at improving the organization of medical work of clinical departments of institutions of higher (postgraduate) medical education and research institutions, legal aspects activity of university clinics and other organizational and legal issues of providing practical component of training of qualified medical personnel. The rectors of  Vinnytsia National Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ternopil II Gorbachevsky National Medical University named after I.I. Gorbachevsky , Lviv National Medical University named after I.I. Halytskii,  National Academy of Pharmacy and others stated specific proposals regarding the expediency of revising the conditions of admission to higher medical institutions, reviewing the conditions of work of interns and young doctors in medical institutions, the legal status of university clinics, training and certification of scientific personnel.

The position of Odessa National Medical University was voiced by a.i. vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work Professor Ruslan Vastyanov. He congratulated his colleagues, emphasized the importance of the organized event and stated the need for a state approach to solving the current situation. The medical reform, which was started by the previous leadership of the Ministry of Health, significantly limited the medical possibilities of higher medical institutions and made it practically impossible to carry out normal medical work in the departments and bases located in medical institutions. The status of premises occupied (rented) by departments at city hospitals is unclear in the light of the medical reform.

In this aspect, as the representative of our university noted, it is important to bring a common position of the management of medical universities to the Ministry of Health, other ministries involved in the implementation of the medical reform, to the profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, to the President’s Office for the implementation of ideas and proposals, made on behalf of working groups and collectives of all higher medical institutions of Ukraine.

The amendments and supplements to the developed documents proposed during the Round Table will be elaborated and submitted to the profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health, the People’s Deputies as soon as possible.