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Access to WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS and other databases has been continued! «Clarivate» Access to WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS and other databases has been extended! «Web of Science» database until the end of 2022.. In addition, Ukrainian institutions will have access to the Scopus database owned by the «Elsevier» company. In addition
The ONMedU University Clinic presents a new approach to the organization of medical care — simultaneous operations The Center for Reconstructive and Restorative Medicine (University Clinic) of Odesa National Medical University presents a new unique personalized approach to the organization of modern oncological care — simultaneous operations for patients with primary-multiple synchronous oncological pathology. Today, simultaneous operations
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Another unique operation was performed at the University Clinic Primary cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer today is one of the most complex surgical interventions in modern oncology and in oncology and gynaecology in particular. In the leading European and North American oncology centres, these operations are necessarily accompanied by
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