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XIV annual scientific and practical conference with international participation “Modern medical technologies in pediatric science, practice, family medicine and education” On November 24-25, the 14th annual scientific and practical conference with international participation "Modern medical technologies in pediatric science, practice, family medicine and education" dedicated to the memory of Boris Reznik was held in Odesa in the format of remote
Professor Shandra Oleksiy Antonovych has passed away Our colleague, teacher, tireless worker, highly qualified specialist, patriot of the University, and long-time head of the Department of Physiology Professor Shandra Oleksiy Antonovych has passed away. O.A. Shandra was born in the village of Pishane, Cherkasy region. In 1975,
November 26 is the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holodomor.  Every year on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the Holodomor of 1932–1933 and the mass artificial famines of 1921–1923 and 1946–1947. This year, the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the famine falls on
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The V International Scientific Conference “Man as Integrity: Traditions and Innovations” has been held In October 2022, the 5th International Scientific Conference "Man as Integrity: Traditions and Innovations" was held (in a remote format). The organizers were: the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Foreign Languages ​​of Odesa National Medical University, the International Academy of
Council of Young Scientists of ONMedU The Council of Young Scientists of Odesa National Medical University is a community of like-minded people whose goal is to encourage students and young scientists to engage in scientific research, providing them with the necessary support in many aspects. Creative
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