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Scholarships in Europe, Great Britain, Australia and Asian countries for 2023 The world today is rapidly and dynamically developing, large resources are invested in the training of highly professional personnel. Modern education is becoming narrowly specific, and that is why academic mobility can cover this request. There are many opportunities to
Happy holidays! Winter holidays unite the whole world in anticipation of a miracle. Peoples of different countries, cultures, and religions place their hopes on a new stage, which is associated with the beginning of the calendar year. For Ukraine, the past year
Increasing the level of mastery of the Ukrainian language In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language" and in accordance with the "Plan of Measures to Promote the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language at ONMedU", employees of Odesa
The competition “Advanced research in the field of mathematical, natural and technical sciences” has been announced   The National Research Fund of Ukraine announces a new competition "Cambridge - NRFU 2022. Individual research (development) grants for Ukrainian scientists (with the support of the University of Cambridge, Great Britain)". The purpose of the competition is to support
The last meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU in 2022 2022 became a period of very difficult exams for every citizen of Ukraine, every institution and sphere of life. Odesa National Medical University was no exception. But, despite the difficulties, the team of the University decently overcame all the challenges