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Free access to full-text electronic resources of the Research4Life project has been extended Free access to full-text electronic resources of the Research4Life.project has been extended to scientists and students of Odesa National Medical University for 2024. More than 15 publishers have opened electronic collections of books and journals for ONMedU users, in particular, Elsevier;
Gratitude to ONMedU students At the end of 2023, the student government initiated a New Year's charity event. Graduates of higher education and employees of the university congratulated the defenders of our state on the New Year 2024 and presented essential items: heated insoles
Launch of social networks of the “Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine” department 📢 NFSU is pleased to announce the launch of social networks of the "Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine" department 📌 Office page on Facebook: 📌 Page of the Twitter Office (X): 📌 Office page on Linkedin: We
It is possible to overcome depression! Every year in January, humanity celebrates World Depression Day. The main goal is to raise awareness about this disease. According to WHO statistics, it affects about 300 million people worldwide. And depression is one of the causes of disability and
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About COVID-19, SARS and flu The World Health Organization calls for continued adherence to the mask regime and social distancing to avoid infection with COVID-19. New strains of coronavirus and the epidemiological situation in the Odesa region, which is related not only to COVID-19, but
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