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School-seminar on: “Modern direction of personalization of molecular medicine: sequencing of the new generation and epigenetics in diagnostics, prognostication and targeted therapy in oncology” On April 26-27, the teaching personnel and students of ONMedU were lucky to get acquainted with the latest scientific experiments of our colleagues from Germany, Florian Galler and Yevgeny Moskalev - a School-seminar was organized on: "Modern direction of personalization of molecular
Peoples’ Friendship Festival On December 16, 2016 the Association of Foreign Students of ONMedU (AFS) and the Center for Students’ Creativity "Vita" organized and held a bright holiday " Peoples’ Friendship Festival". Students from 9 countries of the world had an opportunity to
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Ukrainian Cup for hand-to-hand fight championship in Kyiv On December 6, 2016, during Ukrainian Cup for hand-to-hand fight championship in Kyiv, a team of employees and students of ONMedU demonstrated their expertise and skills in working on multi-purpose simulators of the patient's vital activity, which our university is