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Freshmen’s Student Autumn – 2017! On November, 28th in the cultural center Bait Grand there was a competition for freshmen "Student Autumn-2017". The organizer was the Center for student creativity, headed by S.O.Bychkova with the support of the Students’  self-government. This year the theme of
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Meeting of the New Student Self-Government On November 27, on the initiative of the new chairman of the Student Council of ONMedU, Kateryna Bachnyuk, a new meeting of Student Self-Government was organized with all the interested and active students of the medical, pharmaceutical, dental faculties and
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Our Student on His Internship Trip in Melbourne       [video width="800" height="450" mp4=""][/video]
The First Intensive Course of Thematic Advanced Training for Doctors “Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery” From November 22 to November 24, 2017, the first intensive course of thematic advanced training for doctors "Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery" was held at the Interdepartmental Simulation Training Center of Odessa National Medical University in collaboration with Kyiv Center of