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Table Tennis Tournament A table tennis tournament took place on February 21 in ONMedU sports complex. It was attended by students from medical, dental and international faculties. As a result of a fierce competition, a student of the medical faculty Pochtarenko Kateryna, having demonstrated
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Warned Means Protected! On February 22, a Day of Awareness of Diphtheria was held on the basis of ONMedU Sports Complex. The organizers were the members of the SSS, the YSS, the Student Council and the Student Union of ONMedU. The university teachers
Donation Week-2018 in ONMedU About 50 students of all faculties of ONMedU became donors of blood and received great thanks for charity, namely saving someone's life at the right moment on February 19 and 20, at Odesa Clinical Hospital for Railway Personnel, in the
Informational Seminar from the BMJ Representatives On February 20 at 14:30, an informational seminar took place in Odessa National Medical University as a part of  expansion of cooperation between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the British Medical Journal. The event was attended by representatives
The new issue of the newspaper “His Majesty the Patient», February 2018, No. 2 (170) Load the new issue of the newspaper "His Majesty the Patient», February 2018, No. 2 (170)→
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