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Ten Simple Precautions To Help You Protect Yourself from NCoV2019 Coronavirus Infection When leaving home, put on winter gloves, hold rails in subway, bus, and public areas wearing them. If you need to take off your gloves, perhaps to shake your hand or have lunch, do not touch your face or eyes
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Acknowledgments The Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine Department of Disaster  and Military Medicine and personally the Head of the Department, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Associate Professor Volodymyr Maidaniuk received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Head of the Diving School, 1st Rank Captain S. Titarenko for having
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Admission campaign is going to start soon: The Open Door Day at ONMedU  On January 24, 2020, Odessa National Medical University opened its doors to potential applicants, for those who wish to dedicate their lives to medicine. University administration, secretary of the admissions committee, deans of faculties, professors, students came to the meeting.
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F.I. Kostiev: New version of ONMedU Statute will promote our professional life On January 21, 2020 the Conference of the Labour Collective of  Odessa National Medical University was held. One issue was put on the agenda - approval  of amendments to the Statute of ONMedU by the Academic Council. The chairman of
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Valerii Zaporozhan: “We must do everything for our university to be restored and  to become one of the leaders of medical education in Ukraine again.” On January 16, 2020, the first meeting of the Academic Council of  Odessa National Medical University was held, where a lot of issues were discussed. The Chairman of the Academic Council, Academician V.M. Zaporozhan noted: “The coming year will be
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