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Champion training with the stars: Dmytro Marchenko and Stoyanova Kateryna On February 5, 2020, a championship training with the stars took place in the sports complex of ONMedU: Dmytro Marchenko - master of sports in bodybuilding, absolute winner of the Bodybuilding Championship in the Southern Region,  champion of Ukraine in
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Attention OSCE 1 Dear Teachers and Students of the 3rd year of Odessa national medical University!   We would like to inform you, that in 2019/2010 academic year, exams in the disciplines: propaedeutic of internal medicine, propaedeutic of pediatrics, general surgery, pathological morphology, pathological physiology,
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The first meeting of ONMedU Anti-Corruption Committee in 2020 has been held At the meeting: 1. The results of the work of the Anti-Corruption Committee for the past 2019 were reviewed. 2. At the meeting, the plan of anti-corruption measures for 2020 was introduced. 3. The schedule of meetings of the Anti-Corruption
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Exploring English: Language and Culture Join this free online course and explore British culture as you improve your English. Join the course now. This course is for English language learners who are interested in learning more about British culture and want to improve their
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EIGHTH NATIONAL CONGRESS OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGISTS OF UKRAINE Dear colleagues! The Organizing Committee invites you to take part in the work of the VIII National Congress of Pathophysiologists of Ukraine with international participation “Pathological Physiology - Health Care of Ukraine”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Odessa Pathophysiological
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