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MOH. Latest information of 31.07.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 1090 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on July 31, 2020 there are 69 884 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including 1693 lethal, 38 725
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MOH. Latest information of 30.07.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 1197 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded – it is a new abysmal record in the number of infected people registered per day. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on
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MOH. Latest information of 29.07.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 1022 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on July 29, 2020 there are 67 597 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including 1650 lethal, 37 394 patients
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MOH. Latest information of 28.07.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 919 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on July 28, 2020 there are 66 575 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including 1629 lethal, 36
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MOH. Latest information of 27.07.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 807 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on July 27, 2020 there are 65 656 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including 1616 lethal, 36
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