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Victory at the International Festival of the Arts in Las Vegas, USA CST OnMedu welcomes international students Shanana Miller U and Alina Vargehese with a victory at the International Festival of the Arts in Las Vegas, USA !!! We express our gratitude to the National Cultural Society of the Odessa region as
Access to eBooks of the full-text ScienceDirect database has been provided ATTENTION! Access to eBooks of the full-text ScienceDirect database has been provided According to the ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 17.11.2020 № 1426 in order to create favorable conditions for the use of Ukrainian
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Education quality management system of ONMedU: tasks and preliminary results Since 2014, Odessa National Medical University has been implementing a quality management system for training specialists. At a meeting of the Academic Council Acting Vice-Rector Iryna Shmakova reported on the implementation of the first of the three stages of the
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In 2021, ONMedU will continue major repairs and technical equipment of departments Improving working and studying conditions, as well as material and technical equipment of departments remains a constant priority of Odessa National Medical University. This was discussed at a meeting of the Academic Council, which took place on December 10 under
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Providing surgical care at the University Clinic of ONMedU in the conditions of COVID-19 The current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic makes it difficult to provide specialized care to surgical patients. The timeliness and completeness of surgery is known to directly affect treatment outcomes and disease prognosis.The increased risk of morbidity and mortality
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