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New issue of the list of scientific articles on the topic: “Covid-19. Epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prevention “ To the attention of scientists! We suggest you to view the new issue of the list of scientific articles on the topic: “Covid-19. Epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prevention " The list includes articles from leading periodicals in Ukraine and
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The Department of Disaster and Military Medicine was awarded a diploma of the head of the Military Academy The staff of the Department of Disaster and Military Medicine took an active part in the organization of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Joint Actions of Military Formations and Law Enforcement Bodies: Problems and Prospects", held on September
The Academic Council of ONMedU considered changes in the terms of admission of foreign citizens At a meeting of the Academic Council held on December 1, 2021, chaired by Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, the Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of ONMedU Eduard Buryachkivsky made a report on changing the terms of admission of foreign nationals.
Natalia BUDIGAI, Head of ONMedU SSS: PARTICIPATION IN THE “BEST STUDENT OF UKRAINE” COMPETITION IS IN THE PLANS ONMedU students are distinguished by their abilities in education, social work, sports, amateurism. But one of their most important serious hobbies is studying science in cathedral circles, participating in research, presenting scientific developments at conferences. One of such students is
University Clinic: the latest technologies for the treatment of malignant skin tumors On the basis of the surgical department of the University Clinic at Tinista, 8 the latest technologies for the treatment of patients with malignant skin tumors have been introduced. Modern equipment is used in accordance with international treatment protocols at