ONMedU: society needs mental health specialists!

In the new academic year, the seekers of higher education of Odesa National Medical University will have an innovation. Based on the realities of today, responding to the wartime challenges faced by Ukrainians, a decision was made to recruit in direction 053 “Practical Psychology”. Those who have a bachelor’s degree in “Psychology” can enter the master’s program at ONMedU. After all, our society is in such need of mental health specialists! Another priority development direction of Odesa National Medical University is the implementation of the All-Ukrainian mental health program “How are you?”, which was initiated by the first lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska. Within the framework of this program, the mhGAP project is currently being implemented – a WHO global program aimed at increasing access to mental health care services by involving primary health care workers in the provision of services to patients with mental disorders. Employees of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Medical Psychology, and Psychotherapy of ONMedU are among those who have completed mhGAP courses on the platform of the Academy of National Health Service of Ukraine and received relevant certificates.