Startup4Future Graduation Day 31 May


On May 31, 2024, the “graduation day” of the Startup4Future program, which was held as part of the HEI4Future project, took place.

The highly intensive, engaging curriculum was designed specifically for startups in the healthcare, urban mobility and manufacturing industries.

Startups “trained their muscles” in the following areas:

Leadership: Developing essential leadership skills and discovering the right strategy to inspire and motivate their team.

Innovation: Identifying untapped opportunities to turn ideas into breakthrough solutions that revolutionize our industry.

Go-to-market: From market research and competitor analysis to localization and scalability. Acquiring the necessary knowledge for making informed decisions and opening up new opportunities.

The team of the international faculty of ONMedU presented their idea called “Sharp glance diagnostics”. The idea is to create software that will use artificial intelligence to analyze the structures of the musculoskeletal system, as well as express assessment of the pathological condition.

We are proud of our students and wish them success, inspiration and perseverance in achieving their goals.