Youth job fair “Trajectory of your career”

Today, May 22, the Youth Job Fair “Trajectory of your career” took place in Odesa City Garden. This event was initiated by the Youth Council under the Odesa Mayor with the support of the Department of Internal Policy of Odesa City Council and the regional Employment Center.

It is interesting that the City Garden was chosen for the first time to hold such an event. And for good reason. After all, this is a well-known and beloved place in Odesa, next to the main street – Deribasivska, where there are always many Odesa residents, guests of the city, young people, and now also people who have come to us from other regions of Ukraine. The event attracted the attention of many people who are looking for a job or want to get information about educational institutions and professions.

The “Job Fair” was attended by representatives of more than 50 companies and organizations, 29 educational institutions of different levels of Odesa accreditation, and 10 public and charitable foundations.

Presentations by employers of the Odesa region, master classes on career guidance, information on the state of the labor market and the choice of a profession, acquaintance with the educational network of our region — all this was presented to the attention of visitors.

Many young people were interested in presentation materials about Odesa National Medical University.

The employees of the Faculty of Pharmacy talked about the training and specialties that can be obtained, conducted the identification of medicines. Representatives of the department of simulation medical technologies and the department of propaedeutics of pediatrics drew attention to one of the most developed modern areas of education, which is used to train highly professional doctors, and demonstrated fragments of classes on simulators and mannequins.

Active participants in the event were higher education graduates of various courses of ONMedU, who enthusiastically told the guests of the Job Fair about their alma mater.

Communication of graduates of Odesa schools and lyceums with teachers and students of the institution will certainly influence the choice of their professional path.