ІІ International Scientific Conference “Man as Integrity: Philosophical, Psychological, Medical and Legal Polylogue”

The II International Scientific Conference “Man as Integrity: Philosophical, Psychological, Medical and Legal Polylogue” was held at the Department of Philosophy and Bioethics of ONMedU on May 15, 2019.
The purpose of the conference was to create appropriate conditions for a promising interdisciplinary polylogue on the development of philosophical, psychological, medical and legal knowledge as a factor in the formation of a holistic approach in the study of human rights.
– Ministry of Health of Ukraine;
– Department of Philosophy and Bioethics, ONMedU;
– psychological service of ONMedU;
– International Academy of Psychosynergy and Alphology (IAPA);
– Odessa National University named after. I. I. Mechnikov.
There were 62 reports presented at the conference. Participation in the conference was attended by 74 researchers (Ukraine, USA).
The main thematic areas of the conference:
1. Anthropological dimension of modern knowledge.
2. Philosophical-methodological and ethical problems of modern medicine and psychology.
3. The problem of integrity in the spheres of philosophy, science, religion and art.
4. Temporal-historical features of human existence and activity.
5. Anthropological significance of modern cognitive science.
6. Social, psychological and somatic components of health.
7. Normative health rules and their legal justification.
8. Individual and typical in the study of psychological and social health.
9. The problem of self-realization of the modern man.
10. Problems of training of future specialists in the fields of education, art and health care.
Organizational committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee – V.B. Khanzhi, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Bioethics of Odessa National Medical University;
Executive Secretary – N.V. Kryvtsova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of Psychological Service of Odessa National Medical University; founder and director of the International Academy of Psycho-Synergetics and Alphology;
L. M. Bohata, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov;
R. S. Vastyanov, MD, Professor, a.i. vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work of Odessa National Medical University, Head of the Department of General and Clinical Pathological Physiology of Odessa National Medical University;
I.V. Golubovych, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Fundamentals of Humanities of Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov;
I.A. Donnikova, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy of the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”;
Z. O. Kireieva, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, head of the department of general psychology and psychology of personality development of Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov;
D.M. Lyashenko, Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and Bioethics, Odessa National Medical University;
O.V. Medyanova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Bioethics, Odessa National Medical University;
O. O. Terzi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Bioethics, Odessa National Medical University.
1. Interdisciplinary knowledge integrating philosophical and methodological, psychological, medical and legal interpretation of issues of human existence and development is the fundamental basis for understanding the integrity of a person and man-made processes.
2. The philosophical and methodological principles of studying the man as a holistic complex object are post-classical rationality (which, in particular, is expressed in such concepts as complexity, interdisciplinarity and humanity), which creates the conditions for tolerant coexistence of various paradigms in the scientific space.
3. Possibility of a polylogue and consensus of humanitarian, natural science, social-normative knowledge and medicine is based on the interpenetration of the conceptual apparatus and the humanization of scientific knowledge of the man and man-made systems.
1. To activate theoretical and practical developments on the basis of post-classical methodology and to provide an opportunity for a permanent interdisciplinary exchange of scientific experience with other educational institutions, centers, and public organizations.
2. In the context of the integrity of modern scientific knowledge, to comprehensively explore the purpose and boundaries of methodological approaches, their proportionality and specificity in the study of the man and complex man-made objects.
3. To develop and implement in the system of higher education of Ukraine a model of a holistic approach in the study of a person who should provide an opportunity for an integrated (metateorical) coverage of philosophical, psychological, medical, legal, and other aspects of human existence.