Ukraine remembers! The world recognizes!

Every year on the fourth Saturday in November, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the 1932-1933 famine in Ukraine. This year the day of rememberance is on 23 November. Memorial events were held in different parts of Ukraine.

ONMedU Scientific Library (Director – N.V. Garina) and the Department of Social Sciences (Head – Associate Professor O.O. Sikorska) organized a meeting on the theme “Ukraine remembers! The world recognizes! ”. The head teacher of the Department of Social Sciences, senior lecturer A.S. Shanina  and 1st year students of  group ofof medical faculty № 2 got acquainted with the book exhibition, which included publications devoted to the tragic events of the Famine-Genocide. An employee of the library I.M. Grabarchuk prepared a heartbreaking lecture on the human fates in those tragic years.

Let’s light a memory candle in our hearts !!!