The first day of the student conference

Dear colleagues !

April 22 was the first day of the annual scientific-practical conference with international participation “Modern theoretical and practical aspects of clinical medicine” for students and young scientists, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Volodymyrovych Savitskii. The conference was attended by students of all faculties and staff of the departments of Odessa National Medical University, also there were presented works in co-authorship with medical universities in Lviv, Sumy and other cities of Ukraine. The conference was attended by students and young scientists from such countries – Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia. The conference was divided into sections, which were held simultaneously on the online platform Microsoft Teams. Students and young scientists had the opportunity to present their research and presentations to the heads of their sections, members of the Presidium and other participants of the conference, including students, interns, graduate students, clinical residents, teachers, doctors and researchers. The conference was divided into 13 sections, each of which listened to reports from students and young scientists, after which the Presidium selected the winners according to the criteria of evaluation quality.

The conference was attended by 2015 listeners, a total of 324 reports were made, including 268 student reports and 66 reports of young scientists.

On April 23 from 9:00 master classes were held in the general channel of the Microsoft Teams conference, namely “Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery”, prepared by the Department of Robotic and Endoscopic Surgery, “Primary neonatal resuscitation (ABC STEPS)”, ” Intubation of newborns (STEP E) “, which were prepared by the staff of the Department of Propaedeutics of Pediatrics.

On April 23 at 14:00 we are waiting for all participants and guests of the conference at a solemn plenary session on our channel in Microsoft Teams, where the winners of the conference will be announced, the best report dedicated to Ivan Volodymyrovych Savitskii will be heard and a report on the work of the Young Scientists’ Society and Student Scientific Society for 2020 / 2021 will be made as well as the results of the conference will be announced.
We thank everyone who took part in the conference!