Diabetes and overweight are two issues that, given the high prevalence, are of concern to many of us. World Health Organization has declared obesity and diabetes a pandemic in the 21st century. The economic cost of treating these diseases is a global burden, which unfortunately also affects patients’ finances. According to world statistics, every second patient with diabetes does not know that he is ill! And when the diagnosis becomes known, complications leading to disability are already formed by this time.
Diabetes is a devious disease because late diagnosis is a complicated therapy!
When diagnosed with diabetes, most patients walk the path from denial to admission, and for many, this path is quite long. Both diabetes and overweight and obesity are conditions that require patients to change their lifestyle, habits, mindset, diet, and movement for a long time. This takes patients out of their comfort zone for a long time and requires strong daily motivation and support from both relatives and healthcare providers.
But very often patients and their families are confronted with so much different information that choosing the right path and not losing motivation on the path to health becomes a difficult task. At the School of Diabetes and Overweight, we will help highlight the world’s conflicting data and answer these questions regarding the diagnosis and control of diabetes and overweight.
Our school is created as an educational project, unique in nature, at the Department of Family Medicine of the Odessa National Medical University in close cooperation with the Odessa Clinical Hospital for Road Transport and the Health Center of JSC “Ukrainian Railways”.
The school is focused on teaching patients, among other things, practical skills in determining excess body weight, obesity, recognizing the risk factors and symptoms of diabetes, developing a balanced diet, rules for glucose meter and methods for correcting hypoglycemia.
Our team includes practitioners, psychologists, nutritionists and pharmacists, as well as people living with diabetes. We understand that diabetes and overweight are complex problems that require a team approach. Therefore, we address the issue of diabetes and overweight from different angles.
We will be glad to share our knowledge and experience in order to increase your motivation to manage your body and eating habits.
Classes are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the following address: Department of Family Medicine, Odessa National Medical University, Odessa,  Shklyaruk Street 4a, outpatient department, 5th floor, conference room.
Contacts of the school:
call center +380960597557
tel. +380487668899
Fax +380487665703
email: [email protected]