Godspeed, our graduates!

Dear friends!

I congratulate you on the title of graduates of Odesa National Medical University!

Sleepless nights over textbooks and difficult seminars, lectures by unforgettable professors and difficult “KROK” exams, hospital practice and first meetings with patients are behind you. You have learned a lot, you understand difficult things, you know how to diagnose and carry out treatment. The main thing is that you have made sure that being a doctor is your destiny, and therefore you are ready to study further, to improve your specialty every day.

You have chosen a difficult path for yourself, but a noble and necessary one for people. A doctor is one of the great professions that will be needed at any time. Especially in this difficult period that our country is going through. The life and health of military and civilians, adults and children, the elderly — everyone who needs your help — depends on your knowledge and abilities, ability to make decisions and fulfill your duty.

Dear graduates! I wish you to follow your chosen path with confidence, respect your senior colleagues, learn from their experience, and accumulate the most up-to-date knowledge! I hope that the education received at our university will be a solid foundation for you.

Let the diploma of a graduate of Odesa National Medical University become for you a reliable talisman and a subject of special pride, and your further growth – the most successful, personal life – happy!

Do not forget your alma mater, your mentors and fellow students. Carry the light of student youth through all the years of life!

Be confident, persistent, ambitious and goal-oriented.

Have a good trip, dear colleagues!

Rector of ONMedU, Academician Valerii ZAPOROZHAN