Dear students!

On November 28, 2019, at 14:30, a report-and-election Conference of students of the Odessa National Medical University will be held in lecture hall #1 of the main building.


1. Report of the head of the Student Self-Government for the last academic year;

2. Election of a new head of the university student government;

3. Approval of the Heads of Commissions of Student Self-Government of the University for 2019-2020

The registration of candidates for the post of the head of student self-government of ONMedU is open until November 22, 2019.

According to the Student Self-Government Regulation of ONMedU, a candidate who meets the following criteria can apply for the position of the head of the SSU:

1. The average student score for the period of study must be at least 4.0;

2. The applicant must have been actively participating in the life of the student’s self-government of the faculty / university for at least 2 years (confirmation of the appropriate structural unit of student self-government is required).

The applicant must submit to the Conference Organizing Committee:

1. Application (sample attached to this post) and photo 10×15 cm .;

2. Characteristics from the student’s self-government of his faculty (signed by the chairman of the faculty);

3. Powerpoint presentation, which presents the candidate’s election program, including:

– concise ideas on further development of student self-government ща ONMedU and ways of their realization;

– perspective plan of work of the student self-government of the university for 2019-2020 within the framework of the work of the existing commissions of student self-government of the university (according to the “Regulations on student self-government of the university”).

The recruitment of the chairpersons of the commissions for the following areas of work is also open:

1) educational commission;

2) International Relations Commissions;

3) cultural and mass commission;

4) social and communal commission;

5) sanitary education commission;

6) information commission;

8) sports and health improvement commission;

According to the “Regulation on Student Self-Government at ONMedU”, a candidate who can apply for the position of the chairman of the commission on a separate line of work of student self-government of the university may apply for the following criteria:

1. The average student score for the period of study must be at least 4.0;

2. The applicant must have been actively participating in the life of the student’s self-government of the faculty / university for at least 2 years (confirmation of the appropriate structural unit of student self-government is required).

Please send your applications to the mailbox: [email protected]

Have a question? Contact the Head of Student Government of ONMedU – Anastasia Starenko at +380671475118